We are Canadian, eh? With servers in Canada.
We are Canadian , eh?

Ok we finally did it, the new website is live!

Ok we finally did it, the new website is live!

We just launched our new website with the all new backend billing and management systems. Managing your hosting & domains will be easier and a more intuitive experience.
The new website merges 3 of our websites into one dual currency (USD/CAD) website for single point access on one domain name; www.hostingnation.ca
All of our websites we’ve historically used will now redirect to www.hostingnation.ca, whether you were on hostingwithus.com, domainswithus.com, hosting-nation.com, or hosting-nation.ca – you are now on our new website.
Most of you will need to use our password reset tool to be able to login now. This is due to the inability to migrate older username and passwords from the other billing systems.
How do I login now?
  1. Browse to the website here www.hostingnation.ca
  2. Select HELP in the main menu, then LOST PASSWORD RESET in the sub menu drop down.
  3. Now simply enter your account email address and press SUBMIT.
  4. You will receive an email shortly afterwards with a password reset link in it. Click on the link and enter your new password you wish to use and save it. Now you are ready to login!
Renewals & credit cards.
For those of you previously on hostingwithus.com, all your passwords and credit info remained the same. For those on hosting-nation.com (USA), you will need to update your credit info as it would not import due to encryption. For our Canadians on hosting-nation.ca we were able to manually import your credit card info.
New features!
We won’t go into this in detail in this announcement making it longer, but for those that have hosting accounts and you are used to using cPanel for everything, you will now be able to use your account login area to access everything you need without logging into cPanel!

We are trying hard to make website management easier for those that build and edit websites. Things like single sign-on, Spam Experts email, new cloud VPS offerings and even our shared hosting got an upgrade to cloud computing and SSD drives! WordPress will have easy one click installs right from the customer area!

If you are a web professional involved in launching new customer websites, you will want to check out our new Agency plan designed just for you!

Thanks for bearing with us through the migration and we hope you enjoy the new website!
Hosting Nation support team…