Domain Privacy

On most domains, your contact (WHOIS) information is available to see. Spammers use these WHOIS listings as a source of valid contact information such as email addresses. On many domains we offer an addon WHOIS Privacy service that shields your WHOIS information from the public

Free Mail Forwarding

If you do not have a hosting account for your domain but still wish to set up email addresses, we include a service to create email forwarders - email addresses that forward to another existing address.

Free DNS Management including URL Forwarding

Without a hosting account your domain wouldn't be very useful if your couldn't point it somewhere. To facilitate that we offer a professional low-level DNS Editor (A, MX, PTR, NS, CNAME and TXT-Records) as well as URL forwarding (Redirect / Frame).

Private Nameservers for Private Branding

Private or virtual nameservers are nameservers are useful when a reseller wants to promote their own brand. They would look like and instead of looking like ours. The registration process is separate from DNS management.